Bienvenido al blog dedicado a los dibujos de Grifos de Cerveza, esperamos que disfrutes con los dibujos y que te animes a mandar el tuyo. Si decides hacerlo debes indicar “País, Ciudad, Nombre del autor, página web o blog si lo tienes” y mandarlo todo a

Welcome to the blog of original beer pump drawings; we hope that you enjoy the drawings and that you submit one yourself. If you decide to contribute a drawing please indicate country of origin, city, author´s name and your blog’s address if you have one. Please send all information and your image(s) to

Bienvenu sur le blog des dessins de Pompes à Bière, nous souhaitons que tu t´amuses en regardant les dessins et que tu décides d´envoyer le tiens. Si tu le fais, tu dois indiquer “Pays, ville, Nom de l´auteur et ta web ou ton blog si tu en as” et nous envoyer tout ça à

Monday, March 9, 2009

Real Ale Pumps

Real Ale Pump - England

I'm delighted to be a part of this new sight and My first contribution is a drawing I made whilst in England of real ale pumps at the pub near my parents home. I was drinking a pint of Green King IPA whilst doing the drawing, a drawing that I consider to be a labor of love. I'd like to thank Senor R for putting this site together and look forward to seeing the contributions of others.


José Louro said...

Hello Stephen. What a great draw to start. I can wait to see how it goes from now on.

Señor R said...

Welcome Stephen and thanks for you first and splendid sketch :)

Stephen Gardner said...

I think this is going to be a fun site to visit, I'll be spreading the word.

Señor R said...

Yes i´m´s be funny :) mmmm i hope jajajajaja.