Bienvenido al blog dedicado a los dibujos de Grifos de Cerveza, esperamos que disfrutes con los dibujos y que te animes a mandar el tuyo. Si decides hacerlo debes indicar “País, Ciudad, Nombre del autor, página web o blog si lo tienes” y mandarlo todo a

Welcome to the blog of original beer pump drawings; we hope that you enjoy the drawings and that you submit one yourself. If you decide to contribute a drawing please indicate country of origin, city, author´s name and your blog’s address if you have one. Please send all information and your image(s) to

Bienvenu sur le blog des dessins de Pompes à Bière, nous souhaitons que tu t´amuses en regardant les dessins et que tu décides d´envoyer le tiens. Si tu le fais, tu dois indiquer “Pays, ville, Nom de l´auteur et ta web ou ton blog si tu en as” et nous envoyer tout ça à

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Franklin Park

Franklin Park - Brooklyn - NY - USA

This is a new bar that opened up near me. 10 wonderful beers on tap that often rotate, always something new to sample.


Li Ferreira Nhan said...

"Muito bom! Uma variedade grifos muito bem desenhados.
Gosto muito de desenhos com diferentes informações, com muitos detalhes.
Melhor ainda, um bar perto de casa com tanta variedade de cervejas!
A cor esta ótima!"

google translation portuguese/english :(
Very good, a variety designed to grifos very well designed.
I love the designs with different information, with many details.
Better still, a bar close to home with so much variety of beers!
The color this great!"

Señor R said...

You are a lucky man :) 10 beer taps near you...great :) And great variety for the blog collection :)